Thursday, 3 October 2013

Experimenting With Different Photoshop Effects

Normal Image

This is the image that I have chosen to experiment with in Photoshop; I wanted to use this specific one because it has a range of different elements such as shadows, tones, colours etc which could make the experimented effects more effective and make them stand out more.

The first effect I have used is called curves, this is where you can change the way the image is represented as in increasing the contrast of the image to highlight different aspects of the image. Here I have chosen to make the image darker and create an effect which makes it look like the sun is setting which the different shadows in the image.
Hue & Saturation

The effect which I experimented with next is called Hue and Saturation; this is where you can go in and alter the colours of an image. Hue - allows to erich or dull colours, Saturation - enables you to lighten and darken colours and last of all Lighness - can help you create a colour cast in the image. After applying this to the image I think it gives it a hippy vibe, with the rich colours of voilet and green which clash together creating a very vibrant image.


The next stage of experimenting with different photoshop techniques was applying the Invert tool to my image. Inverting the makes the opposite to what they were originally; for example black will become white, white will become black etc. After trying this effect out I'm not too sure whether it works for this specific image as it looks like it was taken at night with the night vision effect.


The final effect I experimented with is the Filter's effect this is where you can add certain effects to make your image more effective for example here I used the warming filter, which in my opinion makes the image look like it was photographed in the morning where it looks like the sun is rising.

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